I was Unafraid to Die AGAIN
I was addicted to drugs for a long time. But once I started using Fentanyl I went on a downward spiral. However, due to long-term drug abuse, it was the only thing that made me feel high anymore. Even though I knew it was killing me, I had tried to quit many times, but I always relapsed. Because every time I went to detox my goal was to just get off the fentanyl, but not the other drugs. This time was different because I fully surrendered. I was willing to do anything. I had begged my mom for four days to find me anywhere to go to detox. I knew I needed medical detox to get off the amount of drugs I was on. She finally got ahold of Blackberry Hospital in St. Cloud, FL. They arranged to pick me up. Two hours later a woman named, Michelle, was at my home to pick me up. I snorted my last $20 bag of fentanyl right before she arrived. Thinking like a drug addict, I thought leaving it would "waste" it. The first hour of the ride, I slept. T...