The Police Raid and God's Miracle


   Last December my house was raided by the police department. It was so bad the FBI even installed Wi-Fi cameras at the time of the raid. After I was bonded out of jail, I felt as if my mind snapped and that I had lost my soul. I found myself lost and imprisoned both physically and spiritually... I felt as if I were only existing. But, it was still not for months until after the raid that I discovered the true power of faith and surrender. I had no idea God was about to take me out of the darkness I was living in and put a light of hope into my life.

    I had been addicted to drugs as a child. Yes, you heard me as a child. I was immersed in a life of crime of every sort you could imagine; serving as a drug dealer with connections that reached out further than I care to tell. I did things most people would be ashamed to say they did. I was considering writing about them. But first of all,11 this is only one blog post (hahaha) and I do not want to glorify the misery and sin. On December 1st, the house that I shared with my mother was raided. During the search, which was not fully conducted... I found out later that they had installed WiFi cameras. The police department had made two controlled buys on me. I had been selling drugs since I was 14 years old. So, the police department had been watching me for years. That was the life I was leading towards the end of my addiction. I knew the minimum sentence for my charges was 20 years and accepted it. I started selling everything I owned and preparing to go to prison. For what I felt was going to be the rest of my life.

    However, in a miraculous turn of events, God did something that would finally open up my eyes. God intervened, sparing me from a 20-year minimum sentence. He did something only God was capable of doing! God orchestrated my deliverance from the clutches of the legal system by the FDLE not having the test results on my "Intent to Sell" charges. In June, the judge would not extend my trial. When my lawyer called the week before my trial and told me the DA was reducing the paraphernalia charge to a misdemeanor and dropping the two felony intent-to-sell charges, I told her she must have had the wrong case. I was in shock! My lawyer told me, "If it had been any other courtroom... Any other judge would have extended my trial and waited for the test results." 
      It was a profound wake-up call that made me question my choices and the path I had been following. About two weeks after walking out of the courtroom with only a "Time Served" sentence, I admitted myself to a drug rehab facility. This blog post aims to share the incredible freedom I have found in Jesus. After the miracle of my not going to prison. I knew it had to be God. And he must have had big plans for me. But I couldn't do anything until I got clean off drugs. My whole life I had been a functioning addict, but that last year I seemed to stop being able to take care of my responsibilities. I feel in my heart that God moved mountains to save me! I know, He will always be with me, no matter what I may face. 


  1. Your Journey..has always been my Journey, since the day you were born ❣️🙌🥰


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