A Week of Darkness - My Last Time

The last time I used drugs was a week-long misery that changed my life forever. I had given up crack, and by the grace of God, the desire for it had completely left me. However, I was still struggling with fentanyl. For an entire week, I stayed in a dark room, only waking up to buy more fentanyl. I couldn't function or take care of myself. My hair became matted, and I was soaked in urine. It was a low point that felt impossible to escape. Then, I found out that a ride was on its way to take me to rehab. In a moment of desperation, I snorted one last 20. That decision led to an overdose. But that wasn't the end of my story—it was the beginning of my recovery journey. The overdose was a wake-up call that pushed me towards seeking help and embracing the support around me. Rehab wasn't easy, but it was necessary. It gave me the tools to rebuild my life and find hope again. Today, I'm grateful for every step of my journey, no matter how painful it was at the time. If you...